Tate92, the Channel’s Choice Award winner Cyber Security Value Added Distributor is pleased to bring you Vendors/Products that currently cover;
We are going to concentrate on select few “masters in their field” Vendors. We are going to avoid overlap. Therefore please don’t look for a long list of vendors, but choose us because we learn the product set our vendors offer thoroughly and ensure that we help you our Channel partners to the max in supporting yours and consequently our end customers.
We bring you the world first SocaS. If you are an MSP, MSSP, IT Reseller you can now offer corporate level of security management to every customer that you take on with Zero compromises.
Accelerate your workforce productivity by 2 X with a real-time evaluation of employee
One of the few fully tested vendors with a high performance DDoS mitigation in a matter of seconds. Modern businesses need modern DDoS Protection – patented and award-winning Over 2 million assets are already protected by our security solution. We protect digital businesses, in industries such as banks, media, retail, Internet service providers and utilities.
Threats are reaching user inboxes. With attackers becoming more advanced and quickly shifting tactics, existing email security solutions that only stop known, previously identified phishing threats are no longer enough. Millions of malicious sites are established weekly and threat actors are increasingly embedding the malicious URL leading to fake login pages several layers down in the phishing email, defeating existing technology like secure email gateways (SEGs).
Cofense Protect detects and stops advanced phishing threats missed by SEGs, catching attempts before they appear on deny lists.
proVconnect is a comprehensive set of end point management tools combined into a single suite of software. This powerful end point management software includes;
Intrusion Prevention and Intrusion Detection Malware Protection IPS Event Analysis Passive Application Detection Asset Change Detection Missing Asset Alert New Asset Detection Automatic Port Detection Threshold Based Alerting Timed Scanning Application Aware IPS Rule Set Event-Asset-Vulnerability Correlation One Click Policy Creation And Deployment.
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